Recently I undertook a new initiative called Mental Outreach Students Awareness India Curriculum (M.O.S.A.I.C.). It is a comprehensive, five day mental health awareness week.
I designed and wrote the curriculum keeping in mind the ground realities of mental health sensitivity in India. M.O.S.A.I.C., intended to be conducted in secondary schools in India, covers a whole range of basic topics such as an introduction to mental health, ways to manage stress, issues faced by teenagers, art therapy, eradicating stigma and fighting stereotypes, all accompanied by a host of fun activities and games to disseminate information in an engaging, lively way.
M.O.S.A.I.C. is also available as a five module lesson plan to serve as a guideline for others who wish to work in the field of mental healthcare in school spaces. Its objective is simple yet difficult: to create a responsible conversation about mental health in spaces where it often goes neglected, while fostering understanding and sensitivity.